2010年7月22日 星期四










漁船捕獲些許雨傘旗 魚、鬼頭刀及鰹魚

July 13, 14
Ocean Operation Field Notes

Two vessels were used leaving the port of Shinkang. Capt. Yung Fu &
Capt. Shan Hong. Both vessels are equipped with bowsprit and harpoons
necessary for tagging Sailfish and Billfish in the Eastern Taiwan waters.
The navigated route took us south where the coastal current reaches an
undersea mountain. The depth changes fairly rapidly from 30 m to 18 m.

These geographical features of the oceans benthos disrupt the current
forming foraging and aggregation sites which attracts predators for feeding.
Fishermen know this as good fishing grounds.

The calm seas and little wind provided clear views, however there were
relatively few fish. The crew on Capt. Shan Hong’s boat caught glimpses
of the telltale caudal fin although were unable to strike. Capt. Yung Fu had
better luck accompanied by Dr. Chiang, they captured 2 sailfish although the
operation’s objective is to tag a billfish, a Black or Striped Marlin (Makaira
indica , Tetrapturus audax) with our remaining PSATs (Pop-of Satellite
Archival Tag).

Our charted route on the GPS shows the extent of crisscrossing and
zigzagging the two boats travelled. Working together when the sailfish
appeared briefly and then dived, the other boat was able to spot the
resurfaced fish.

The tragedy of the day occurred with James camera bag falling to the deck
and the camera contained inside ‘popping’ out and falling into the ocean. The
calm conditions and the infrequent activity due to the absence of fish caught
us all by surprise. The camera could only be watched as it drifted from sight
into the deep blue sea.
The second day was to make best use of the calm water and clear skies.
Rains and possible typhoon were forecast for the end of the week so the two
boats set out from harbor pre dawn. The fish proved more elusive than the
previous day.

Dr. Chiang captured some great photographic sequences of sailfish leaping
from the water but the continuous south wind was not ideal conditions.
Sun burnt, tired and hungry – actually, thanks to the trolling lines towed
through the surface waters with bright lures, we caught ‘An-na’ or dwarf bonito
(Euthynnus affinis) cooked with noodles and ginger provided a nice lunch –
we returned to shore.
